MGI Qualex – Accounting

Welcome to the MGI Qualex Outsourcing Website

MGI Qualex

MGI Qualex is an accountancy and accounting outsourcing firm in Madagascar. Our accounting firm will be the permanent advisor you need as a business manager. MGI Qualex offers high quality services in its areas of expertises: chartered accountancy, auditing and consulting. We shall ensure proper performance of all or part of the accounting operations of your business.

Accounting management for third premises and for foreign companies

Our firm offers you a recognized know-how. It ensures a reliable and quick service in the management of all your accounting. We provide you all our expertises. Find out more  

Financial and administrative management

MGI Qualex may be also involved in financial and administrative management of your company. Find out more  

Accounting and financial audit Auditors

MGI Qualex also proposes you an accounting and financial audit service and is also involved in auditor missions. Find out more  

Chartered accountancy and companies’ advice

Our chartered accountants provide you their expertises for all missions in chartered accountancy and/or companies’advice. Find out more  

Why outsource your accounts ?

The decision to outsource accounts management may result from a strategy of focusing the company’s strengths on its core business.
Accountancy is not your company’s core business? But it is indispensable for your business to run properly and can’t be eliminated.

The purpose of outsourcing accounts is to refocus the accounting function by entrusting it to an outside provider. Given complex accounting standards and rules, and the very nature of codified, standardized accounting functions, it is necessary to build up one’s core business. Economic fluctuations make it preferable to convert fixed costs into variables and outsourcing is a new management style that meets this requirement.

Successfully accomplishing your main task, which ensures turnover with sound accountability, requires time, resources and above all accounting expertise that all businesses do not necessarily have. Faced with significant growth in fluctuating business activity, or changes in your business environment, changes in the accounting function require increased specialization in accountantcy and require a structure fully dedicated to this activity.

Outsourcing it then becomes a strategy choice for the company :

  • Refocusing on its core business: this means the company focusing on a certain number of activities, and giving up or transferring risky or unprofitable business. The company will then outsource its accounts management which is not defined as strategic.
  • Keeping up with technological developments
  • Simplifying its structures and having more flexibility
  • Having more successful human resources
  • Controlling costs


MGI Woldwide is a network of independent audit, tax, accounting and consulting firms. MGI Worldwide does not provide any services and its members are not in international partnership. Each member firm is a separate entity and neither MGI Worldwide nor any member firm accepts responsibility for the activities, work, opinions or services of any other member firm. For more information visit

Your benefits

The success of your strategy will be the result of a strong commitment by both parties. You the client company, and MGI QUALEX, your service provider.

Cost and Effectiveness

  • The expertise of a specialized outsourcing and accounting service provider ;
  • Accounting assistance ;
  • The efficiency of real-time work

Flexibility and simplicity

  • Real transparent information since you can check your accounts at any time.
  • Paper-free convenience

Guarantee of success

  • Total control of your accounts ;
  • Reliable financial information


+261 34 07 631 86

Immeuble ARO 5ème étage Antsahavola, Antananarivo 101, Madagascar